We already have the first analytical results of the Salicornias grown in RASA. The ash content can be related to the concentration of minerals present in its fleshy stems, where sodium is the protagonist among many others. We also see from studies that the vegetable protein content is greater than 14%.

Salicornias are widely used to make the so-called "green salt", composed of 100% dehydrated salicornia. This product is a healthy seasoning because it preserves the flavor of table salt with 4 TIMES LESS sodium concentration!! Since table salt contains 394 mg of sodium/g of salt, so the "Green Salt" we could make with our salicornias would be 102 mg of sodium/g of green salt, according to the lab report.

In addition, this salt has high levels of chlorophyll, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, and fibers, which contribute to its various benefits to the body, being also an excellent product for people with hypertension due to its lower sodium content and athletes due to its variety of minerals.
Probaste alguna vez las Salicornias?